
Friday, December 30, 2011

Sharing ...

Happy Friday!  :-)

I can't believe tomorrow is New Year's Eve!  Partly because my break from school is nearly over and partly because the pages on the calendar seem to fly off.  The older I get the faster time seems to pass.  I have big plans in a lot of areas of my life for 2012, including the areas that involve fabric! 

In 2012, we'll be making a few changes to the format of our Stitch & Share Challenge, which I hope will help more of you participate.  I'll introduce more about that early next week.  But until then, you have until the end of 2011 to link up your handmade gifty projects for this month's challenge.  Even if you don't, you should check out the links for those who already have ... there are some awesome projects! :-)

We'll also be adding in a few other challenges, features, and series to keep it fun and hopefully inspire you to keep creating.  Our first series, Get Organized, will kick off in mid-January.  (If you have a project/tutorial/process you'd like to share in the series, please email me as I am still putting together the schedule for the contributors.)

2012 Finish-A-Long

I also wanted to share Quilter in The Gap's 2012 Finish-A-Long project.  We're excited to partner with Rhonda in this project and I personally will also be participating!  I have a lot of WIPs/UFOs.  It is truly embarassing.  ;-) 

Also, tomorrow is the last day for the HOLIDAY15 coupon code savings and for Keyka Lou's retiring pattern sale.

Speaking of tomorrow, look for a quick quilt tutorial in the morning! 

Happy Sewing! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention. I sure am glad I got my order in today while I was at work (shhh don't tell).


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