
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Charm Pack Mini Quilt Tutorial #2

Hi again friends!  A few weeks ago, I shared the first tutorial in this mini series where we'll make TWO mini quilts from just ONE charm pack and a little batting.  You can see the first tutorial here.  Today I've got the tutorial for this one ...

Step 1: Grab the leftovers from your charm pack (or 17 charms).  I am using my leftovers from Hello Luscious.

You'll need 13 for the front and 4 for the back.

Step 2:  Select 9 squares (I am using 9 pink ones) and cut a 2.25" x 5" rectangle off of each one.  Set the remaining 2.75" x 5" rectangles aside.

Step 3:  Stitch the 2.25" x 5" rectangles together to form a panel.

Trim the panel to 4.5" wide.

Step 4: Stitch four aqua charms together to make an additional panel.

Once you have pressed the seams, cut the panel in half to make two 2.5" wide strips.

Step 5: Attach the aqua borders to the pink center panel.

It should look something like this ...

Step 6: Arrange the four leftover charms and the leftover pink rectangles to form a backing like shown.

Stitch together in rows and then attach the rows. Press seams open.

Step 7:  Sandwich your mini quilt.  I chose to keep my batting trimmed very close the size of the top so that I could try and center the top on the back since we'll be using the back to self-bind the quilt.

Step 8: Quilt around the main center panel as shown.  Important - since we will be doing a self-binding, you don't want to use a quilt design that goes all the way to the edge of the top.

Then, mark your quilt using a ruler to create a criss-cross pattern.  I used a FriXion pen because it will disappear when I iron over it later.  (Love that!)

Stitch over the lines.  (I used a walking foot and lengthened my stitch.)

Step 9:  Press your quilt.  Then fold back the backing so it is out of the way as shown.

Trim the edges to 1.75" from the border seam all the way around the mini quilt. You are NOT trimming the backing!!!

Then bring the backing back behind the edges.

Trim the backing so that it is 0.75" wider than the top and batting.

Step 10: Prepare the self-binding by folding the backing over and pressing it.  Start with the two long sides.

Then fold the sides up over the top and pin. Stitch carefully just along the edge of each long side to secure the binding.

Then fold the corners over as shown.

Fold the sides up over the short ends and pin.

Stitch as before to secure the binding on the short sides.  Backstitch at the beginning and end.

That's it!  You're all finished.  The front ...

The back ...

I kind of like this skinny rectangle size ... great for a shelf or entry way or even on a mantle.  Or next to your sewing machine, where mine is currently living.  :-)

I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial.  One note about it ... in the first one, I did all of the binding in one session.  I tried doing the two long sides and then the short ones and I think I like it better this way.  Of course, its your preference!  If you make a little mini with this tutorial, I'd love to see it.  Please link it up in the comments or for this month's Stitch & Share Linky/Giveaway post.  :-)

If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments or send me an email.

Happy Sewing!  :-)


  1. Oh wow, I love that tutorial...and I need a gift for this weekend, so that might just work!!! =) Thanks Chrissy.

  2. I love that fabric! Thanks for the tutorial!

  3. I love this table topper I have lots of charm packs.. I need to get busy and make one, Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. How cute! It is always amazing what can be made from a charm pack!

  5. Thanks for the tutorial! I'd never tried a self-binding before (didn't even know it existed), and it turned out perfectly thanks to your instructions!


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