
Monday, February 2, 2015

Gene Pool Quilt : Rowing Right Along

At the end of the year, I started the Gene Pool quilt by Jen Kingwell.  I started with a few scrap bags from Fig Tree collections and quickly realized I was short on fabric to make this big enough.  (I had to downsize the pattern slightly based on the width of strips I was starting with ...)

I put out a call to my IG friends and several offered to help by sending fabric to help me finish so this was on hold for a bit while I waited on some fabric to wing its way around the world. (Quilters really are some of the best people I think.)

Anyway, I've been plugging away at this a little bit each weekend and so far I love how its turning out!  Here's where I am at the moment ...

I still have several rows to finish and have found that assembling these in pairs of rows has worked out great for me. (I have a few pinned on top of each other in the middle in this photo.)  I think I am about 2/3 of the way finished with this one.  :-)

This pattern is really pretty easy and is really fun to play with your layout of prints and colors.  It's really a great jelly roll-friendly pattern!

I'll keep you posted on this one as I go.

Happy Sewing!  :-)


  1. Gorgeous pattern and I love the Fig Tree fabrics! Can't wait to see this finished :)

  2. I would totally love to do this one in cotton + steel basics or feed company!


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