
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Smitten Quilt Along : Large Block Five and Small Block One

Hey everyone!  How are your Smitten quilts coming along?  I've really enjoyed seeing all your blocks on Instagram. :-) 

What's awesome about this month's blocks is that there are NO y-seams!  Yippee!

For more details on the Smitten Quilt Along, visit this post here for dates and supplies, etc.  If you haven't purchased templates, go ahead and make your's using the pattern and template plastic or other material of your choice.  (Be sure to add the seam allowance if making your own templates.)

Cut out your fabrics and then mark your pieces.  Mark the wrong side of your fabric pieces with dots where the 1/4" seams would meet.  (The acrylic templates have holes, making this super easy!) Alternatively, you could use your ruler and pen to draw lines along the seam allowances to mark your start and stop points.

Since this block is mostly triangle-based, we can piece the whole thing with NO y-seams.  You'll use your dots for reference, but you can sew through them to the edges and chain piece. :-) 

Sew a triangle to two opposite sides of the the center hexagon.  And sew a triangle to four of the diamonds as shown. Press toward triangles.

Then sew two of the pairs to the center unit. Press away from center.  
And add the remaining two diamonds to two other pairs making two units of three pieces. Press toward diamond.

Next, the 3-piece units to the sides.  I used pins and pinned through the dots to keep things lined up well. 

Press away from the center.  This is a complete Small Block One.  It's also the same as the center of Large Block Five. :-)

We'll add the border to make the Large Block Five in the same way as we just did for the center/small block one.  

Sew a triangle to two opposite sides of the the center hexagon.  And sew a triangle to four of the diamonds as shown. Press toward triangles.

Sew two of the pairs to the center unit. Press away from center.  

Then add the remaining two diamonds to two other pairs making two units of three pieces. Press toward diamond.

Next, add the three-piece units like you did for the center.  Use pins through your dots to keep everything lined up well while sewing. 

And that's it!  :-)  Now cut and make a few more...

Here is my first Small Block One.  

Easy, right?!  I really love playing with all the different fabric combinations for these. :)

I hope these photos were helpful to you...  I am looking forward to making a few more myself and to see your's too! Don't forget to use #smittenquilt and #smittenquiltqal on Instagram. :-)

If you have questions, leave a comment, email me or tag me on IG!

Happy Sewing!  :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the QAL! When will you post July? Thank you for doing this!


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