
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Smitten Quilt Along : Small Block Six

Hey everyone!  How are your Smitten quilts coming along?  We are coming to a close on the quilt along ... I know I have a few blocks to catch up on!  But this month's little block is certainly pretty quick and easy even though it looks like it might not be.  No Y-Seams!  :-)

For more details on the Smitten Quilt Along, visit this post here for dates and supplies, etc.  If you haven't purchased templates, go ahead and make your's using the pattern and template plastic or other material of your choice.  (Be sure to add the seam allowance if making your own templates.)

This month is our last tutorial and its Small Block Six ... 

Cut out your fabrics and then mark your pieces.  (I actually chose not to mark this time for two reasons: (1) there are no y-seams and the clipped corners help me line things up and (2) I am pretty comfortable sewing these now!)  Then lay out your block in a pleasing arrangement.  Here, I am just using two main prints and alternating them with a "background."

First, we need to make the pieced triangles.  We'll sew edge-to-edge to join them... one triangle to the diamond at a time.  I also backstitched at the beginning and ends as I chain pieced them.

Then the second triangle to the diamond. I pressed toward the triangles in both steps.

Next, sew two sets of triangles together.  You can sew edge-to-edge since there are no Y-seams in this one! (yay!)

Press and then get ready to add the third triangle to each pair. 

Again, we'll sew edge-to-edge since we won't have to join the two halves with y-seams. 
You'll have two halves like this.  If you are using two alternating prints, they'll be opposite of each other like shown. 

Pin the two halves together and sew your last seam. (I put a pin through the intersections to help line things up nicely. See block four here ... its just like last month!) 

Viola!  Really easy block!  :-)  You need seven of these cuties.

I am still working on completing all my blocks and will need join my small hexagons into bigger ones as well as make the half blocks necessary.  I'll share more of those soon!

I hope these photos were helpful to you...  I can't wait to make a few more myself and to see your's too! Don't forget to use #smittenquilt and #smittenquiltqal on Instagram. :-)

If you have questions, leave a comment, email me or tag me on IG!

Happy Sewing!  :)

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Thanks for stopping by - we love hearing from you! :-)