Saturday, November 10, 2012

Guest Curator Contest : Dec 2012

Hello there!

We've been having so much fun with the Curated Collections the past couple of months, that we decided to have a little contest for a Guest Curator for the month of December. Sound fun?  We think so!

Here's how the contest works ...
  • Create a 3 x 3 mosaic of EIGHT prints or solids from our shop.  Use our Guest Curator Contest button (above) as your 9th box in the mosaic.  Mosaics can be easily made here.
  • Blog about your Guest Curator Entry on your blog.   On your blog post, include a link to this entry post as well as the name of your collection and a description about your collection inspiration. (No blog?  Upload to Flickr and include your bundle name, inspiration, and link to the entry post with your photo there.) 
  • Link your post to the linky below by 11:59 PM EST on November 20th. 
  • We'll select our favorite 10 bundles and then put it to a vote here on the blog.  The bundle with the most votes will be featured as a Curated Collection in our shop during the month of December 2012 and the winning curator will receive his/her bundle free.
  • One more detail - limit two entries per person, please!  

We can't wait to see your collections!

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  1. I guess I am the first to play in your fun contest. Thanks for having a fun contest :)

  2. Hi,I linked up! Fun contest, I picked 2 bundles. Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. Hi, thanks for this fun contest. It looks like something has gone wrong with my linky and the image is not showing. Could you please delete my entry so I can try loading it again? Thanks!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Creating these collections has become a bit of an addiction - thanks for the fun contest and letting all of us try our hand at curating collections.

  6. I linked up through flickr. I'm not sure if I did it right, though, as I'm not sure if I should use this URL as the link to the entry post, or what. Hopefully I did it right. If not, I'm honestly glad I did this anyway, because I have some inspiration for my next quilt!

  7. Cute cute idea! I'm loving that Rocky Road combo!

  8. i'm having trouble getting the image of the fabric to show up in the mosaic. i copy the image address to the link box, but it won't show in the final mosaic. any help would be appreciated!

    1. I had that too, so I saved the images to my computer and did it from there...

    2. thx, but that didn't work either. bummer. i haven't had trouble making mosaics this way before, guess i'll skip the contest this time.

  9. Thank you for hosting this contest. It is a lot of fun to search through yummy fabrics and put it all together!


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