Hope you've all been having a great weekend! We started out with a minor winter storm here on Friday which left us with some ice ... and the best part for me was a 4-hour early release from school! (I might have been more excited than my students. :-) I did get some sewing done and will have a new tutorial here on the blog later this week.
I did get to spend some time over in the shop this afternoon choosing some new Curated Collections (which will be revealed on Friday) that I am pretty excited about as well as this week's Fat Quarter Frenzy bundle.
The FQ Frenzy bundles are similar to the Curated Collections, but have 10 FQs for $20. These are limited edition - we'll precut a handful and that's it!
This week's FQ Frenzy Bundle is called "Farm Fresh" and these colors totally make me think farmer's market. Farm Fresh is available here while supplies last.
Better go get a few more things done around here before Downton!
Happy Sewing! :-)
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Thanks & a Winner!
Earlier this week, I asked for your feedback on the new collections coming out this Spring from Moda .... including asking you to think about which holiday prints you'd want to sew with in 2013! We really appreciate all your feedback and will be using it to guide our decision-making when we sit down with our rep on Tuesday night. :)

We chose a winner using random.org and the winner is .... Ella, who said she was looking forward to Winter's Lane. And I have to agree - that collection looks so beautiful! :-) Ella - we'll be emailing you a $15 gift certificate to our sewluxfabric.com.
Thank you to all of you who took the time to browse the catalog and share your opinions!
Happy Sewing! :-)

We chose a winner using random.org and the winner is .... Ella, who said she was looking forward to Winter's Lane. And I have to agree - that collection looks so beautiful! :-) Ella - we'll be emailing you a $15 gift certificate to our sewluxfabric.com.
Thank you to all of you who took the time to browse the catalog and share your opinions!
Happy Sewing! :-)
Friday, January 25, 2013
New Shipping Rates & Shop Updates
Just a few quick things tonight that I wanted to share with you all ...
If you get our newsletter, you know that the shipping rates are changing on Monday. We've updated our rates on our website and have added a new page with just shipping info. You can see it all here. Since the rates have jumped significantly for international flat rate envelopes, we'll be shipping more of the smaller packages by first class. (Note: These first class rates are subject to revision if we find that they aren't as accurate as we thought.) It does take more time to ship first class international as we have to go to the psot office, so these will be shipped on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I hope you'll understand - we both still work full-time outside of Sew Lux. But we hope that this will help our international friends a bit. :-)
Onto news that is way more fun ....
Swatches are now available - you can order them in any print or solid. Find out more here.
AND ... Paris Flea Market by 3 Sisters is here! The aqua colorway has been popular so far! And, of course, the maps too ...
Hope you've had a great week! We ended it with a bit of a sleet/ice storm here but hopefully it will all melt away tomorrow. :-)
Happy Sewing! :-)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Inquiring Minds ...
Hey friends!
It's that time again when we are getting ready to meet with our Moda Rep to select collections for the shop. It's totally crazy, but we're already picking the 2013 holiday collections (as well as, ahem, Happy-Go-Lucky - totally a given that we'll carry that line!). We'd love to know what you'd love to sew with.
Check out the Moda Catalog here and tell us what you think in the comments. I'll select a winner and post a winner on Sunday, 1/27/13 for a little prize!
Thanks in advance for your feedback! We really do consider your feedback when we sit down with our rep. We appreciate hearing which collections you'll likely stash and sew with, including any specific prints or colorways you'd love to see.
p.s. Not that I really think I have to say this, but this post and request for your feedback isn't meant to open the door to negative comments about a designer's collection. Please don't bash anyone's art - if a collection isn't your personal style, just don't say anything about it. Thanks for keeping it positive around these parts! :-)
It's that time again when we are getting ready to meet with our Moda Rep to select collections for the shop. It's totally crazy, but we're already picking the 2013 holiday collections (as well as, ahem, Happy-Go-Lucky - totally a given that we'll carry that line!). We'd love to know what you'd love to sew with.
Check out the Moda Catalog here and tell us what you think in the comments. I'll select a winner and post a winner on Sunday, 1/27/13 for a little prize!
Thanks in advance for your feedback! We really do consider your feedback when we sit down with our rep. We appreciate hearing which collections you'll likely stash and sew with, including any specific prints or colorways you'd love to see.
p.s. Not that I really think I have to say this, but this post and request for your feedback isn't meant to open the door to negative comments about a designer's collection. Please don't bash anyone's art - if a collection isn't your personal style, just don't say anything about it. Thanks for keeping it positive around these parts! :-)
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sweet Chevrons Pillow Tutorial
I am so excited to share this happy pillow project using the 2013 Be Mine Bundle. This is the first of two projects I will be making entirely from the bundle of 8 prints. Ready?
For this 18" pillow, you'll need:
- 8 coordinating FQ of red & pink prints (I used the 2013 Be Mine Bundle)
- 1 FQ of muslin or other fabric for backing
Note: Use a 1/4" seam throughout unless noted.
The first thing you need to do is decide what order you'd like your fabrics to be in the Chevron on the pillow. Label your prints as "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" and "H".
Cut two 2" x 18" strips from each of your red and pink FQs.
You'll sew the strips together along the long side. Sew strips in sets of two as follows:
AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FG, GH, and HG.
(Note: for this part, I am using different prints for illustration purposes only. The diagram below should help this make more sense if you are confused. The above photo is meant to illustrate AB and BC strips.)
Measure the width of your strips - mine were 3.5" wide.
Subcut the pieced strips into 3.5" squares. (Note: if your's measured something different, adjust your square size.) You should be able to get 5 squares from each strip set, although we'll only need 4 from each one.
Once you have sewn and subcut all your strips, you will then lay them out in a chevron pattern. You'll need to lay these out on point (diagonal/diamond) to make the pattern. Refer to the diagram below.
Ok, now its time to piece the blocks together. You'll be working in rows.
Sew the blocks together in diagonal rows.
Then sew the rows together, being sure to pin at the intersections. Lots of pins is good to get everything lined up. :-)
Keep sewing until you get all the rows joined.
Press everything really well before moving on. I pressed all my seams open as I went - but that is a personal choice. I sometimes press to the side and sometimes press open - just depends on what I am making. Here I went with pressing everything open to keep the project pretty flat.
Now, you'll trim this down - trim 1/4" away from the points along the sides.
Mine measured about 15.5 inches square after trimming.
From one of the FQs, cut four 2" x 18" strips to make borders.
Add borders - top and bottom and then the sides. (TIP: Keep the border strip on the bottom - this will slide through the machine easier since it will be nice and flat without the seams. I pressed toward the borders.)
Next, press your pieced pillow top well (again), layer with batting, and backing (I used a FQ of muslin). You could just use a layer of flannel and omit the batting and backing/muslin, if you prefer. Baste and quilt as desired.
I quilted diagonal lines along the block seams. And then free motioned some loops in the border (which, you can hardly see because the print is busy). Note - if you are new to free motioning, a busy print and coordinating thread hides any errors! ;-)
Press the quilted top and trim to 18" square.
Next, grab two more of the FQ pieces for the backing. For each piece, fold the selvage over, press, and stitch down.
Then trim them to size 13" from folded selvage edge by 18" wide.
Now, place your pillow front RIGHT SIDE UP on your table, and layer one of the backing rectangles on top so they are RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER. Selvage edge should be in the middle and raw edge along the outside edge of the pillow front.
Then, layer the second backing rectangle on top - the two pieces (selvage ends) will overlap in the middle.
Pin all the way around. Then sew all the way around the square. Used a 3/8" seam for this part.
Remove the pins, turn inside out and press and ENJOY!
The back should look like this ....
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I have one more project in the works with the leftovers from this project, so stay tuned! :-)
As always, I'd love to see your version if you make one - please send me a link or comment. If you have any questions about the tutorial, please ask in the comments or send an email.
Happy Sewing! :-)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Introducing : FQ Frenzy Series
Hey friends!
I have had so much fun playing with the Curated Collections over the past few months. I love stacking and unstacking the bolts in the shop until I get just the right combination. :-) This week, we're introducing a new weekly bundle series - the FQ Frenzy Series.
This series is similar to the monthly Curated Collections, except these bundles will have 10 FQs (usually mixed from several collections along with a few solids) and will be specially priced at $20 (20% off our regular price). We'll offer a new bundle each week and we'll only be cutting a few, so once they sell out they're gone! The new bundle for the week will be introduced each Monday.
Our first one, is called "Time for Tea" and this one is soooo up my alley - pink, green and aqua. My favorite color combination.
Stop by tomorrow for a tutorial with my Be Mine Bundle. :-)
Happy Sewing! :-)
I have had so much fun playing with the Curated Collections over the past few months. I love stacking and unstacking the bolts in the shop until I get just the right combination. :-) This week, we're introducing a new weekly bundle series - the FQ Frenzy Series.
This series is similar to the monthly Curated Collections, except these bundles will have 10 FQs (usually mixed from several collections along with a few solids) and will be specially priced at $20 (20% off our regular price). We'll offer a new bundle each week and we'll only be cutting a few, so once they sell out they're gone! The new bundle for the week will be introduced each Monday.
Our first one, is called "Time for Tea" and this one is soooo up my alley - pink, green and aqua. My favorite color combination.
Stop by tomorrow for a tutorial with my Be Mine Bundle. :-)
Happy Sewing! :-)
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Charmed to Meet You
Are you all over Downton Abbey like I am?! Oh. dear. I love that show. :-) I've watched both of the first two episodes from Season 3 twice now already. My mister just rolls his eyes. My post title made me think about Downton, but that isn't really what I'm here to chat about today....
My real question here is ... do you like working with charm squares? Do you like making and sharing tutorials on your blog? I have a few projects up my sleeve but would love to get some of you involved with me. :-) If you answered yes and/or yes, send me an email or leave a link to your blog in the comments section so I can stop by and visit.
Have a wonderful day!
Are you all over Downton Abbey like I am?! Oh. dear. I love that show. :-) I've watched both of the first two episodes from Season 3 twice now already. My mister just rolls his eyes. My post title made me think about Downton, but that isn't really what I'm here to chat about today....
My real question here is ... do you like working with charm squares? Do you like making and sharing tutorials on your blog? I have a few projects up my sleeve but would love to get some of you involved with me. :-) If you answered yes and/or yes, send me an email or leave a link to your blog in the comments section so I can stop by and visit.
Have a wonderful day!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Hi everyone! We're kicking off a new week with a new special kit for a great project by Jenelle of Echinops & Aster. Check out her beautiful project tutorial here and enter to win a FQ bundle and thread sampler! (Enter to win on Jenelle's tutorial post.)
Bundles and thread samplers are on sale through Friday, 1/18/13.
Oh and did I tell you that 35 of the prettiest new bolts just arrived?! We're coming off of a weekend in the 70's and with those temps, these spring-y fabrics from Kate Spain's new Honey, Honey collection are calling my name!
Almost done with the tutorial for this project ... coming later this week. :-)
Happy Sewing! :-)
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
December Bee Blocks
Happy Wednesday! Just stopping in to share some bee blocks from the end of 2012 ...
First up for the do. Good Stitches Faith circle, we were working on a very special project that I can't share much more than that about. :-) But this is one of the blocks I made - a ribbon star block. I love how this block turned out. It was a bit time intensive. It is really helpful to lay everything out and sew the pieces as Lee suggests in the tutorial. Totally worth it though.
Then, for my Modern Stitching Bee, we made these fun blocks with HSTs. I have a love-hate relationship with the HST. I think its all the trimming. I'd rather be lazy, but I like the results better when I do it right. :-) I used a lot of my Simply Color charm pack and some Honeycomb - they are great for projects with bright colors.
Then, for do. Good Stitches Faith Circle in December, we made these blocks Converging Corners blocks. These were fun and I can't wait to see how the whole quilt turns out. This seemed easy (and it was) but took more time than I thought they would. Some Simply Color charms and then random scraps for the corners. Of course, the Bella White Bleached is my go-to for the background and sashing for most projects.
I should really start on my January blocks .... if I start early then it won't matter if they take longer than I thought they would!
Happy Sewing! :-)
First up for the do. Good Stitches Faith circle, we were working on a very special project that I can't share much more than that about. :-) But this is one of the blocks I made - a ribbon star block. I love how this block turned out. It was a bit time intensive. It is really helpful to lay everything out and sew the pieces as Lee suggests in the tutorial. Totally worth it though.
Then, for do. Good Stitches Faith Circle in December, we made these blocks Converging Corners blocks. These were fun and I can't wait to see how the whole quilt turns out. This seemed easy (and it was) but took more time than I thought they would. Some Simply Color charms and then random scraps for the corners. Of course, the Bella White Bleached is my go-to for the background and sashing for most projects.
I should really start on my January blocks .... if I start early then it won't matter if they take longer than I thought they would!
Happy Sewing! :-)
Monday, January 7, 2013
January FQ Club : Seascapes
Hi friends ... It's halftime in the national championship game, so I thought I'd take a minute to post the January FQ Club bundle featuring the brand new Seascapes by Deb Strain. :-)
Wow ... these prints are so pretty. If you love the beach/shore/ocean, you'll love these pretty prints. Perfect for the beach house, home dec projects, and more.
Check out all the prints we selected for the shop here.
Happy Sewing! :-)
Wow ... these prints are so pretty. If you love the beach/shore/ocean, you'll love these pretty prints. Perfect for the beach house, home dec projects, and more.
Check out all the prints we selected for the shop here.
Happy Sewing! :-)
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Zig Zagging Along
Hey y'all! I've been having a little fun with the 2013 Be Mine Bundle this weekend. :-)
I am in the middle of the first of several projects I hope to get out of this bundle ... first up a little chevron pillow. What do you think so far?
I just love these sugary sweet, dotty prints. :) We still have some bundles available here.
Happy Sewing! :-)
Friday, January 4, 2013
Design Challenge Tutorial : Quick Triangles Baby Quilt
This post is part of the Design Challenge Series here at Sew Lux Fabric.
See all the previous blogger interviews and tutorials here.
Hello, I'm Lindsay, and I blog at Lindsay Sews and Craft Buds. I'm excited
to share with you how to make this Quick Triangles Baby Quilt. Specifically, I'd like to share how you can make half square triangles eight at a time!
I've made half square triangles 1, 2, or 4 at a time, but never 8 at
once. It's pretty amazing, and with the large and speedy quilt blocks,
you can totally make this quilt top in an evening!
- 6 fat quarters
- 5/8 yard border fabric
- 1 1/2 yards backing fabric
- 3/8 yard binding fabric
- Crib size (45" x 60") quilt batting
Finished Quilt Size: 38" x 53"
is my curated bundle from Sew Lux fabrics, which includes grays, yellow
and aqua fabrics in modern prints by various designers. I wanted to
challenge myself to make an entire quilt (crib size!) from these six fat
quarters, so I went with a familiar quilt block, but made it as large as
First, break your fat quarters into three sets of two, pairing up prints that coordinate well with each other. I chose to pair each of my gray/white prints with a color.
Open up two of your fat quarters, stack them, and trim to an 18" x 18" square. We are going to use these to make half-square triangles, 8 at a time.
Re-stack your 18" x 18" squares with right sides facing. Use your ruler and a pen to mark a diagonal line from corner to corner on one wrong side. Pin squares together at the corners to hold the fabric in place while you sew.
Stitch a line 1/4" from the edge of one marked line, on both the left and right sides of the line. Repeat with the other marked line.
After you've stitched the four long lines, resist the urge to cut along the marked lines just yet. Instead, use the stitch lines to locate the center of the block. With your ruler and rotary cutter, cut both a vertical line and a horizontal line directly down the center of the fabric.
Take each of your four sections, and now your may cut down the center of your stitches, along the line you marked earlier. You should have 8 half square triangle units.
Open up your half square triangles and press the seams open.
Use a square ruler to trim each block to 8" x 8". Make sure to line up the diagonal line of the ruler with your half square triangle before you cut.
Here are the eight 8" half square triangle blocks from just two fat quarters. Repeat with the other fat quarters, and you should have 24 total blocks.
Arrange your blocks as desired. There are many ways to arrange half square triangle blocks in a quilt. You can make chevrons, diamonds, or just mix them all up. I arranged the blocks in a 4x6 grid and kept them in a set order, with the colors pointing to the upper-left and the grays pointing to the lower-right.
With right sides facing, pin together the blocks in each row and stitch. Press the seams open.
Next, join together the rows with right sides facing, and pin at each seam. Stitch together the rows and press the seams open.
To make the border, cut your border fabric 5" x the width of fabric, for 4 strips total. Starting in one corner, attach a border strip to the top, then trim the excess. Repeat with the bottom. Stitch the ends of these strips to the other to border strips you've cut for the sides, to lengthen them. Press the seams open, then stitch the left and right border strips to the quilt and trim.
Press the seams open. Baste, quilt and bind as desired. After quilting and before binding, I trimmed the borders to 4 1/4" to keep them even all the way around.
This pattern is very beginner-friendly, and I'd recommend it for showing off strong prints. I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial, and if you like this fabric combo, you can purchase a Design Challenge bundle kit at Sew Lux!
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